Handling Asynchronous Events
Asynchronous events refer to payment flows where the final response is not received in real time. This is usually due to off-app authentication unique to the payment methods like Bank Transfers, USSD and NQR.
You can handle async events either by:
- Polling the final status.
- Using Webhooks
Polling Payment Status
To poll the final transaction status, send a request to the verify payment endpoint. We cover this in more details here.
What are webhooks?
Webhooks are event-triggered https messages sent to notify a system about an event change. Webhooks are a great way to get notified about your payment status.
What is the structure of a webhook?
A sample webhook contains the customer, order and payment information. Here is a sample webhook for a card payment:
"Data": {
"OrderReference": "ORD66DC8928903467356969",
"PaymentReference": "PA-REF-CFE3DE37-29FB-46DE-84A0-D0E849EEF1D8",
"ProductName": "Collection",
"TotalAmountCharged": 11.4,
"PaymentStatus": 5,
"Status": "Successful",
"PaymentMethod": "Card Payment",
"PaymentResponseCode": "00",
"PaymentResponseMessage": "Payment completed succesfully",
"Narration": "Pay",
"Remarks": "Order initiated and created successfully",
"CurrencyId": 0,
"CurrencyName": "USD",
"Fee": 1.4,
"FeeRate": 0.14,
"SubsidiaryFee": 0,
"CustomerFee": 1.4,
"DateCreated": "2023-08-17T17:04:02.92Z",
"DateUpdated": "2023-08-17T17:04:26.27Z",
"DatePaymentConfirmed": "2023-08-17T17:04:26.27Z",
"OrderPayments": [
"OrderId": 210,
"OrderPaymentReference": "PA-REF-CFE3DE37-29FB-46DE-84A0-D0E849EEF1D8",
"PaymentOptionId": 0,
"PaymentOption": "Card Payment",
"StatusId": 5,
"PaymentStatus": "Successful",
"ResponseCode": "00",
"ResponseMessage": "Payment Completed successfully",
"OrderPaymentInstrument": null,
"Remarks": "Order payment initiated",
"DateCreated": "2023-08-17T17:04:11.39Z",
"DateUpdated": "2023-08-17T17:04:26.277Z"
"Customer": {
"CustomerId": null,
"FirstName": "Jane",
"LastName": "Doe",
"EmailAddress": "test@gmail.com",
"CountryShortName": "NG",
"CustomerGroup": "Default",
"CountryId": 0,
"GlobalStatusId": 2,
"GlobalStatus": "Active",
"MobileNumber": "+2348101234566",
"IsBlacklisted": false,
"ReasonBlacklisted": null,
"DateCreated": "2023-06-26T20:26:39.783Z",
"DateUpdated": null
"CardDetails": [
"OrderPaymentId": 184,
"Status": true,
"Country": "NG",
"CardToken": "UFYzeGra16AvMxVzvRI8HDqZqiNQiywWKKypMsDryQA=",
"CardExpiryMonth": "01 / 39",
"CardExpiryYear": "01 / 39",
"CardType": "N/A",
"CardIssuer": "N/A",
"CardFirstSixDigits": "512345",
"CardLastFourDigits": "0008",
"DateCreated": "2023-08-17T17:04:26.283Z",
"AppEnvironmentId": 1
"Status": "success",
"StatusCode": "00",
"Message": "Order details fetched successfully"
Setting up your webhooks
Use these steps to enable webhooks on your account:
- Log into your Alliance Pay dashboard.
- Navigate to settings - This is the last item on your menu.
- Select "API keys and Webhooks" from the settings dropdown.
- Enter your URL into the webhook URL field.
- Click the "Add URL" button to confirm the setup.
Best practices
- Setup a backup polling job for downtimes on your webhook server.
- Avoid long running tasks or network calls on your server to prevent timeouts.
- Be Idempotent.
Updated about 1 year ago
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